PHP is an open-source scripting language. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was designed mainly for Web Development to produce dynamic web pages. PHP is very effective in terms of embedding dynamic texts into static text. PHP way back at the time of its appearance in 1995 it was primarily used in developing web pages but slowly with its evolution over the period of time PHP provides a range of tools for performing various server side functions.
PHP Web Development has its great importance, as PHP has some great advantages and above all is that it runs on almost all types of web servers available irrespective of the platform and it’s very easy to understand and implement.
Aquarius website development has been so far in the web development industry studying the needs and requirements of the clients and keep the team of PHP experts well trained and updated with new trends and changes introduced time to time. Our team is known to deliver what you desire, and that is our USP.
We welcome challenges to prove our competence and excellence. For any further information and suggestions feel free to contact us.